Sneha Girap (Editor)

Elisha Shapiro

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Elisha Shapiro

Elisha Shapiro elisha shapiro on Vimeo

Elisha shapiro at the comedy vs art smackdown

Elisha Shapiro is an American nihilist known for his creation of public spectacles promoting a philosophical rejection of objective value and truth. In 2006, Shapiro ran as an independent in the Governor of California election. His platform included free college education, secession from the United States and marriage for gays only. He was defeated by Republican opponent Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Past work by Shapiro include the 1984 Nihilist Olympics, a campaign for President in 1988, a campaign for LA County Sheriff in 1992, the Nihilism Expo (world's fair) in 1999, and the International Nihilist Film Festival.


Elisha Shapiro Wikipedia

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