Neha Patil (Editor)

Elands River (Mpumalanga)

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- location
Near Machadodorp

- elevation
772 m (2,533 ft)


- location
Near Montrose Falls

Crocodile River

Elands River (Mpumalanga) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Elands River is a river of the Komati River basin, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

This river is known for the Elands River Falls, located between Waterval Boven and Waterval Onder. These fall 70 m in one drop, and are close to the NZASM tunnel. Also not far from another historical site called the Krugerhof, the last residence of President Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger in the South African Republic (ZAR), where there is a Museum.

The river originates near the town of Machadodorp, in the Highveld Zone of Mpumalanga, and after passing over a complex waterfall, joins the right bank of the Crocodile River.


Elands River (Mpumalanga) Wikipedia

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