Harman Patil (Editor)

Edifício Grande Avenida

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Edifício Grande Avenida Srie Avenida Paulista da manso de Joo Dente ao Grande Avenida

Andraus Building, Edifício Andorinha, Praca da Bandeira, Parque Trianon, Conjunto Nacional

Ince ndio no edifi cio grande avenida na avenida paulista 1981

Edifício Grande Avenida or Grande Avenida Building is a building located at 1754 Avenida Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil. The building was founded in 1964. Characterized by one of the remarkable architectural styles in town, the building sustained two fires during its history. The first was minor and took place in 1969. The second fire in 1981 killed 17 people and led to an investigation which found the building layout to be responsible for the fire.


Edifício Grande Avenida httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

1981 Fire

Edifício Grande Avenida Edifcio Grande Avenida Wikipdia a enciclopdia livre

The fire began in the mezzanine of the building on the afternoon of February 14, 1981. It occurred on a Carnival Saturday and the building was emptier than usual. 17 people died, most of them employed with Construtora Figueiredo Ferraz, a local civil engineering contractor, working overtime to keep up with a delayed project to be presented on the upcoming Thursday.

Edifício Grande Avenida Edifcio Grande Avenida So Paulo

Edifício Grande Avenida F5 saiu no NP Incndio no Grande Avenida deixa 17 mortos 1401

Edifício Grande Avenida F5 saiu no NP Incndio no Grande Avenida deixa 17 mortos 1401

Edifício Grande Avenida Zona de Risco Lembrana Incndio do Edifcio Grande Avenida

Edifício Grande Avenida Incndio no edifcio Grande Avenida na Avenida Paulista 1981


Edifício Grande Avenida Wikipedia

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