Sneha Girap (Editor)

Domonique Simone

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African American

Domonique Simone

116 lb (53 kg; 8.3 st)

5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)

Domonique Simone

June 18, 1971 (age 53) (
Valdosta, Georgia, USA

Other names
Coco, Dominique, Domonique, Dominique Simone, Dominique Seymour

No. of adult films
289 (per IAFD)

Domonique Simone (born June 18, 1971 in Valdosta, Georgia) is an African-American adult actress.

Domonique Simone httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

At the age of 17, Simone won a scholarship to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. At the age of 18, in 1989, she answered an ad for figure modeling and soon found herself shooting for pornographic magazines like Hustler and Players.

Simone is noted for being one of the top black starlets in the business, starring in more than 200 movies during the 1990s. She had large breast implants partway through her career. Her most recent film/video appearances were in My Baby Got Back 21 (2000) and Booty Talk 17 (2000), with Lexington Steele, her last film. As of 2006, she has retired from making movies, works as a loan officer, and raises her two children.

In 2007, Simone was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame.


Domonique Simone Wikipedia

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