David Armand (born 1980) is an American writer of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. He has published three novels, The Pugilist's Wife, Harlow, and The Gorge. He has also published a collection of poems, The Deep Woods, and a memoir titled My Mother's House.
2016 St. Tammany Parish President's Literary Artist of the Year 2016 Southeastern Louisiana University President's Award for Excellence in Artistic Activity Gambit Magazine "40 Under 40" Recipient 2015 Southeastern Louisiana University College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Alumnus of the Year AwardThe Gorge named a finalist in Foreword Reviews Independent Book Awards Selected as a contributor to the 2014 Sewanee Writers' ConferenceHarlow named a top five fiction book of the year (2013) by The Richmond Times-Dispatch Harlow longlisted for the 2013 SIBA Book Award The Pugilist's Wife named a New & Noteworthy Book by Newpages.com The Pugilist's Wife named one of five "Hot Reads" by the New Orleans Times-Picayune in March 2012 The Pugilist's Wife named the winner of the 2010 George Garrett Fiction Prize