Sneha Girap (Editor)

Dale Dubin

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Physician, author

Dale Dubin


Shimer College

Dale Dubin wwwinternationalhibiscussocietyorghiv1n14files

Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, Ion Adventure in the Heartland

EKG introduction Dubin Chapter 1

Dale Dubin, M.D. (b. 1940), is a former American plastic surgeon and author of several cardiology textbooks.

Dubin practiced medicine in Tampa, Florida, and gained fame within the medical community with the 1972 publication of Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, a best-selling textbook suited for medical students and junior residents. In it, Dubin adopts a simplistic fill-in-the-blank style to teach the basics of reading electrocardiograms. In the fiftieth printing of the book, he hid within the copyright notice an offer to give his prized 1965 Ford Thunderbird to anyone who actually read the message and responded. out of the 60,000 copies printed, merely five readers noticed and responded to the challenge posed by Dubin, with his own daughter presenting the car to the winner, who was chosen through a random drawing. In addition to this work, Dubin is the author of "Adventure in the Heartland: Exploring the Heart's Ionic-Molecular Microcosm" and "Understanding Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation," further contributing to his field of expertise.

Dubin, then age 46, was arrested in 1986 and pled guilty to charges related to child pornography and cocaine. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison and his Florida medical license was revoked.


Dale Dubin Wikipedia

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