Puneet Varma (Editor)

Claíomh Solais

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Claíomh Solais (), Claidheamh Soluis () ([/kɫiːv ˈsɔɫɪʃ/]; an cloidheamh solais () ), rendered "Sword of Light", or "Shining Sword", or "a white glaive of light", is a trope object that appears in a number of Irish and Scottish Gaelic folktales.


Claíomh Solais Claomh Solais Sword of the Light Irish trefoil sword wulflundcom

The sword has been regarded as a legacy to the god-slaying weapons of Irish mythology by certain scholars, such as T. F. O'Rahilly: the anologue in the Irish Mythological Cycle being Lugh's sling that felled Balor, and their counterparts in heroic cycles are many, including the popular hero Cúchullain's supernatural spear Gae bulga and his shining sword Cruaidín Catutchenn.

Claíomh Solais claomh solais JOSH MAHAN

A group of Sword of Light tales bear close resemblance in plot structure and detail to the Arthurian tale of Arthur and Gorlagon.

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The folk tales featuring the claidheamh soluis typically compels the hero to perform (three) sets of tasks, aided by helpers, who may be a servant woman, "helpful animal companions", or some other supernatural being. The majority of are also bridal quests (or involve the winning of husbands in e.g., Maol a Chliobain).

The sword's keeper is usually a giant (gruagach, fermór) or hag (cailleach), who oftentimes cannot be defeated except by some secret means. Thus the hero or helper may resort to the sword of light as the only effective weapon against this enemy. But often the sword is not enough, and the supernatural enemy has to be attacked on a single vulnerable spot on his body. The weak spot, moreover, may be an external soul concealed somewhere in the world at large (inside animals, etc.), and in the case of "The Young King of Esaidh Ruadh", this soul is encased within a nested series of animals.

The crucial secret to the hero's success is typically revealed by a woman, i.e., his would-be bride or the damsel in distress (the woman servant held captive by giants), etc. And even when the secret's revealant is an animal, she may in fact be a human transformed into beast (e.g. the great grey cat in "The Widow and her Daughters").

The secret about women is a theme borne in the title "The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the One Story about Women", considered an essential part of the original Irish story (I) according to G. L. Kittredge's stemma of texts, even though "the woman" part is lacking (i.e. lost) in some variants, such as Kennedy's Fios Fath an aon Sceil ("perfect narrative of the unique story") The "news of the death of Anshgayliacht", which occurs as a quest in another version is also a corruption of this. This reconstruction was made by G. L. Kittredge, who examines a groups of Sword of Light folktales cognate to Arthur and Gorlagon which he edited. A more familiar Arthurian tale which embeds the quest of "What is it that women most desire?" is The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle.


Kittredge analyzes his group of Irish folktales (I) to consist of layers of elements: namely a frame story which binds the quest for the "cause of the one story about women" with The Werewolf's Tale type; to this is attached The Quest for the Sword of Light and a large interpolation he calls the Defence of the Child type tale.

The Defence of the Child tale portion is in itself a composite according to Kittredge, composed of a Faithful Dog tale and what he calls a The Hand and the Child type tale. The latter tale has the motif of a grasping hand that seizes the victim, and gets cut off in some cases, akin to Grendel's arm in Beowulf. The Irish and Gaelic tales of this type exhibit the tale or motif of Skilful Companions, which was studied by Theodor Benfey and is known to be widespread all over the world.

Irish folktales

See under #Primary sources for bibliography of the compilations. Kittredge's sigla are given in boldface:

  • "The Story of the Sculloge's son from Muskerry (Sceal Vhic Scoloige)" (Kennedy 1866, pp. 255-) K
  • "Fios Fath an aon Sceil" (perfect narrative of the unique story) (Kennedy 1866, pp. 266-)
  • "Eachtra air an sgolóig agus air an ngruagach ruadh (Adventure of the Sgolog and the Red Gruagach)" (Ó Briain 1889, Gaelic Journal 4, pp. 7–9; 26–28; 35–37 J
  • "The Weaver's Son and the Giant of the White Hill", (Curtin 1890, pp. 64–77). Here the "sword of sharpness".
  • "The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin", (Curtin 1890, pp. 157–174)
  • "Morraha; Brian More, son of the high-king of Erin, from the Well of Enchantments of Binn Edin" (Larminie 1893, pp. 10–30) L
  • "Simon and Margaret" (Larminie 1893, pp. 130–138)
  • "Beauty of the World" (Larminie 1893, pp. 155–167)
  • "The King who had Twelve Sons" (Larminie 1893, pp. 196–210)
  • "Cud, Cad, and Micad", (Curtin 1894, pp. 198–222).
  • "Coldfeet and Queen of Lonesome Island", (Curtin 1894, pp. 242–261)
  • "Art and Balor Beimnech", (Curtin 1894, pp. 312–334). C1
  • "Smallhead and the King's Sons" (Jacobs 1894, pp. 80–96 (No.XXXIX); Curtin, contrib. "Hero Tales of Ireland" (New York Sun))
  • "The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the One Story about Women" (O'Foharta 1897, pp. 477–92 (ZCP 1))
  • "The Snow, Crow, and the Blood" (MacManus 1900, pp. 151–174). This tale closely parallels another collected by Hyde entitled "Mac Riġ Eireann (The King of Ireland's Son)", but in Hyde's version the hero's party obtains "the sword of the three edges" (cloiḋeaṁ na tri faoḃar).
  • an untitled tale of Finn's three sons by the Queen of Italy collected at Glenties in Donegal, (Andrews 1919, pp. 91-)
  • "An Claidheamh Soluis" (Ó Ceocháin 1927 (Béaloideas I, i (1927), pp. 277–282))
  • Scottish Gaelic folktales

    The publication of tales from the Highlands (Campbell 1860, Popular Tales of the West Highlands) predate the Irish tales becoming available in print. The magic sword sometimes appearing under variant names such as the "White Glave of Light" (Scottish Gaelic: an claidheamh geal soluis ).

  • "The Young King of Esaidh Ruadh" (Campbell 1860, vol. I, pp.1-, No. 1;)
  • "Widow's Son" (Campbell 1860, vol. I, pp.47-, No.2, 2nd variant;)
  • "Tale of Conal Crovi" (Campbell 1860, vol. I, pp.125-, No.6; )
  • "Tale of Connal" (Campbell 1860, vol. I, p.143-, No.7;)
  • "Maol a Chliobain" (Campbell 1860, vol. I, pp.251-, No.17;)
  • "The Widow and her Daughters" (Campbell 1860, vol. II, pp.265-, No.41, 2nd variant;)
  • "Mac Iain Direach" (Campbell 1860, vol. II, pp.328-, No.46; )
  • "An Sionnach, the Fox" (Campbell 1860, vol. II, pp.353-, No.46, 4th variant;)
  • "The History of Kitty Ill-Pretts" (Bruford & MacDonald 1994, pp. 185–190, No. 21 )
  • As a mythological sword

    The assertion has been made that Claidheamh Soluis is "a symbol of Ireland attributed in oral tradition to Cúchulainn" (Mackillop), although none of the tales liste above name Cuchulainn as protagonist. T. F. O'Rahilly only went as far as to suggests that the "sword of light" in folk tales was a vestige of divine weapons and heroic weapons, such as Cúchulainn's Cruaidín Catutchenn. This sword (aka "Socht's sword") is said to have "shone at night like a candle" according to a version of Echtrae Cormaic ("Adventures of Cormac mac Airt").

    O'Rahilly's schema, roughly speaking, the primeval divine weapon was a fiery and bright lightning weapon, most often conceived of as a throwing spear; in later traditions, the wielder would change from god to hero, and spear tending to be replaced by sword. From the heroic cycles, some prominent are Fergus Mac Roigh's sword Caladbolg and Mac Cecht's spear. But Caladbolg does not manifest as a blazing sword, and the latter which does emit fier sparks is a spear, thus failing to fit the profile of a sword which shines. One example which does fit, is Cúchulainn's sword Cruaidín which was aforementioned. And the legacy of these mythological and heroic weapons survive in the "sword of light" in folklore.

    In some circles, the Claidheamh Soluis has been literally been asserted to be the sword of Nuada Airgetlám, one of The Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann. This notion has become popular in Japan, where this information was disseminated by the fantasy related mythology reference written by Nobuaki Takerube and derivative literature.

    Connection to other swords

    Unsurprisingly, some have seen parallels with this to Excalibur, due to some of the descriptions regarding how it shone. When Excalibur was first drawn, in the first battle testing King Arthur's sovereignty, its blade blinded his enemies. Thomas Malory writes: "thenne he drewe his swerd Excalibur, but it was so breyght in his enemyes eyen that it gaf light lyke thirty torchys." Other commentators have equated the Sword of Light to the Grail sword.


    In fiction, Nuada's sword is to referred to as the Claímh Solais, the sword of light (Book of Conquests (1978), The Silver Arm (1981), and Érinsaga (1985) by artist Jim Fitzpatrick), where it is described as a "rune-engraven" sword. Jamie Poole Books, a series by Ellen E. Sutherland (2014), explores the myth in a modern, urban setting.

    According Takerube's reference book, Nuadha wore a shining sword called the Claimh Solais (phonetisized Klau-Solas)—fiery sword, sword of light. The Claimh Solais was a magic sword "engraven with spells", and reputedly an Undefeatable Sword such that once unsheathed, no one could escape its blows. And also, it was one of the Four Treasures of Erin brought from the mystical Isle of Findias in the North".

    Video games

    A similar sword named Claimh Solais appears in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, and is considered one of the strongest weapons in the game, and stays hidden behind two secret passages in the Forbidden Area, it's in-game description says it's a "Sword with a sparkling blade", It also appears in Dawn of Sorrow and Harmony of Despair.

    The sword is also wielded by Setsuna Saizuki in the game Evil Zone. The sword is possessed by a renegade fragment of the main antagonist's power, personified by the spirit Karin, who serves as a shield alongside the sword.

    The Claiomh Solais is also wielded by Yuri Lowell in the game Tales of Vesperia. It is obtained from Ted in the lower quarter of Zaphias at endgame, before fighting Duke on Tarqaron. The sword is said to have originally been wielded by a strong mercenary.

    The Claiomh Solias is also an Ultimate Brave Burst used by Angelic Blades Sefia. She wields a sword similar to the weapon describe within the myths and when she attacks the sword glows with light. this brave burst is obtained at her 7-star form and maxing her Super Brave burst Ragnado Nova.

    The Claiomh Solias also makes an appearance in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, and is one of the swords used by Itsuki Aoi in that game.

    The Digimon Craniamon uses a twin-bladed weapon called the Claiomh Solais in his various appearances throughout the games it appears in.


    Claíomh Solais Wikipedia

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