Harman Patil (Editor)

Centre d'entraînement aux actions en zone urbaine

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Centre d'entraînement aux actions en zone urbaine

Rue du 8 Mai 1945, 02150 Sissonne, France

Mairie, Boutique SNCF, Hertz ‑ Montaigu - Chalette, SNCF

D mineur centre d entra nement aux actions en zone urbaine cenzub sissonne

The Centre d’entrainement aux actions en zone urbaine (CENZUB) is a purpose-built facility for training French armed forces in urban warfare skills. It is located at Sissonne in north-eastern France. It is the largest training area of its type in Europe. There are two constructed districts - Beausejour and Jeoffrecourt.


British Army units have used the facility while learning French urban tactics and using French equipment. This part of a wider programme for Anglo-French military cooperation following the Defence and Security Co-operation Treaty signed by British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy in November 2010.


CENZUB offers several varied urban training environments:

  • Technical and tactical skills acquisition module (Module d'acquisition des savoir-faire techniques et tactiques - MASTTAC)
  • A street with roofless houses. Instructors are able to observe trainees and to move ahead to adjust the environment during training sessions.
  • Beausejour
  • The village of Beausejour consists of 63 differing houses, many varied obstacles (barriers, barricades, rubble), different types of streets (wide, narrow, S or cleared). It consists of different modules:
  • the village itself
  • a slum area in which it is impossible to enter with vehicles
  • a caravan camp
  • street created from container 20 feet to revise expertise
  • a hamlet intended to show various ways in which a building could be "hardened", ie, made more defensible (installation of sandbags on the floors, trapping, etc).
  • the ammunition depot: a former warehouse that delivers feed-back of tactical know-how (progressions formed unit)
  • Thuillots
  • An "old town" district located in the military camp, still partially occupied, especially by CENZUB's mechanical workshops. It simulates the outskirts of a village (woods, road, field, track) with several large buildings.
  • Jeoffrecourt
  • The village of Jeoffrecourt represents a town of 5000 inhabitants, with tall buildings, commercial areas. It will simultaneously engage all military resources, including infantry, armour, artillery, engineers and aircraft. It has a main objective of training and restitution.
  • Urban firing complex (Complexe de Tir en Zone UrBaine - CT ZUB)
  • This range enables firing in an urban environment to add realism to the training.
  • Opposing force (FORce ADverse - FORAD)
  • 105 personnel (including women) act as opposing forces or civilians for realism. They are structured as a mixed company with two infantry sections on VAB armoured personnel carriers or trucks, a tank platoon with AMX-30 tanks and an engineering section equipped with MPG and EBG. This unit is able to play the role of a regular combat unit, militia, or civilian refugees, depending on the scenario.


    Centre d'entraînement aux actions en zone urbaine Wikipedia

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