Harman Patil (Editor)

Castle Rock, Western Australia

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Granite Skywalk, Porongurup National Park, Bluff Knoll, Nancy's Peak - Porongur, Torndirrup National Park

Castle Rock is a tourist attraction in the Porongurup Range in the Great Southern region of Western Australia and is renowned for its fauna and flora.

Map of Castle Rock, Porongurup WA 6324, Australia

There is a walk trail to the summit which offers 360 degree views, 570 metres (1,870 ft) above sea level from a lookout known as the Granite Skywalk. The walk also takes in the unusual 'Balancing Rock', a six metre high granite boulder which reportedly weighs around 186 tonnes yet rests on a base just 1.21 square metres (13.02 sq ft).

A winery located on the eastern slopes of the range is named after this landmark.


Castle Rock, Western Australia Wikipedia

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