Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Berkley Horse

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The Berkley Horse is a BDSM apparatus, supposedly designed for, or by, Theresa Berkley in 1828. She referred to it as a "chevalet".

According to the account of Henry Spencer Ashbee:

A notorious machine was invented for Mrs Berkley to flog gentlemen upon, in the spring of 1828. It is capable of being opened to a considerable extent, so as to bring the body to any angle that might be desirable. There is a print in Mrs Berkley's memoirs, representing a man upon it quite naked. A woman is sitting in a chair exactly under it, with her bosom, belly, and bush exposed: she is manualizing his embolon, whilst Mrs Berkley is birching his posteriors.

Berkley Horse The curious neuron Studying the galloping horse today

He continues:

When the new flogging machine was invented, the designer told her it would bring her into notice, and go by her name after her death; and it did cause her to be talked of, and brought her a great deal of business. [...] The original horse is among the models of the Society of Arts at the Adelphi, and was presented by Doctor Vance, her executor.

Berkley Horse Berkley Horse The Cabinet of Dr Libido volume I Pinterest

In one surviving letter, a customer hearing about the Berkley Horse proffered Theresa Berkley this pricing for her services: "a pound sterling for the first blood drawn, two pounds sterling if the blood runs down to my heels, three pounds sterling if my heels are bathed in blood, four pounds sterling if the blood reaches the floor, and five pounds sterling if you succeed in making me lose consciousness."

The Society of Arts, originally located at the Adelphi, has evolved into the present-day Royal Society of Arts. They acquired the Horse in 1837, with its public display being advocated by the radical publisher George Cannon. An illustration of this apparatus was included in the original 1880s edition of Ashbee's Index Librorum Prohibitorum; however, it was not featured in the 1969 reprint. It remains uncertain if the Royal Society of Arts has maintained the original device.

Berkley Horse Berkley Horse Wikipedia

Berkley Horse Berkley Horse The Cabinet of Dr Libido volume I Pinterest

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