Harman Patil (Editor)

Battle of Gemmano

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Gemmano, Italy

Allied victory

Battle of Gemmano httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

World War II, Battle of San Marino, Battle of Rimini, Operation Slapstick, Operation Corkscrew

The Battle of Gemmano was fought between the German and Allied forces in World War II. It was part of the Allies' Operation Olive, the offensive in August 1944 on the Gothic Line, the German line of defence in the Apennines in northern Italy. It consisted of a series of four British attacks between 4 September to 15 September 1944, on the German defences in and around the village of Gemmano. The village itself was taken on 9 September during the second attack, two more actions being required to take the surrounding area. Fighting was heavy, and the Battle of Gemmano has been called the "Cassino of the Adriatic" by some historians.


Battle of Gemmano Wikipedia

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