Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Batting average against

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In baseball statistics, batting average against (denoted by BAA or AVG), or opponents' batting average (denoted by OBA) is a statistic that measures a pitcher's ability to prevent hits during official at bats. It can alternatively be described as the league's hitters' combined batting average against the pitcher. It is calculated as: Hits Allowed divided by (Batters Faced minus Walks minus Hit Batsmen minus Sacrifice Hits minus Sacrifice Flies minus Catcher's Interference).

It is calculated as: B A A = H B F B B H B P S H S F C I N T

for which:

  • BF is the number of batters faced by the pitcher
  • BB is the number of base on balls
  • HBP is the number of hit batsmen
  • SH is the number of sacrifice hits
  • SF is the number of sacrifice flies
  • CINT is the number of catcher's interference
  • References

    Batting average against Wikipedia

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