Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Bangladesh Students Union

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Bangladesh Students Union

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chatra Dal, Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir, Socialist Students' Front

Bangladesh Students Union is a left-leaning independent political organization in Bangladesh,It was established on 26 April 1952, initially as the East Pakistan Students Union. Bangladesh students’ union was instituted as East Pakistan Students’ Union in 1952 on the background of language movement in which students played the most valiant role. It started working for students and youth right as a secular and progressive students’ organization in then East Pakistan as well as all over the world as the member of several international students and youth organization. It was working as the most conscious, advanced and struggling progressive representative of the students being an independent, unique, democratic, pluralistic, non-profit, non-governmental, non-partisan student organization which would embrace, represent and defend the interests of students and their rights. In 1962 it played the leading role of mobilizing students of all spheres against the reactionary Education Policy and engineered a successful Education Movement. It has always tried to make the most possible greater platform and always tried to unify students under a common platform on the basis of ‘greater unity for the least common issue of demands. In 1969 it took its position against the Military junta as usual character and played vital role for organizing for the Mass Uprising that put the end to the era of military ruler Ayub Khan. After fall of Ayub BSU had the observation that a more bitter stage of movement was nearing, and so it was trying to adopt program and demonstrations that could help in a real war. In the war of 1971 BSU members fought in the war of liberation as guerilla and many got martyrdom. In that time BSU played a significant role for convincing the world about the genocide Pakistani Military made and also about the struggle of the people of Bangladesh through all the connections it had with regional and international youth and students’ organizations. After the independence Bangladesh students’ Union started its new race for a secular, democratic and socialist Bangladesh and a free, student friendly environment in all educational system. It was also in support of the struggles undertaken by people through out the world. At the end of 1972 students made mobilizations against the inhuman attack of USA on Vietnam like it was being done by the students all over the world. 1st January was decided to be observed as Vietnam Solidarity day. After a students’ gathering at Bat-tala students were moving in rally to give a memorandum to the American Embassy. On the way the peaceful rally was brutally handled by police and other law-enforcing agencies. There was heavy sudden firing on the rally. Two died on the spot and many students were seriously injured. BSU activists Matiul Islam and Mirza Kaderul Islam sacrificed their lives on the movement against imperialism. The incident sparked freedom-loving minds of the students. Another movement was made against this brutality. On pressure government sought apology and accepted demands of the students later in which recognizing Revolutionary Government of Vietnam was included as a point of demands. And for this movement and martyrdom Bangladesh became the first non-communist country to recognize Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam and National Liberation Front. BSU feels proud to be a part of the movement and observe the day as anti-imperialism solidarity day. In august 15, 1975 President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed brutally by some military usurpers and all the political groups were under serious pressure and surprised by the incident to move against this undemocratic and unconstitutional action, But BSU made the first protest against this actions and started mobilization to help in greater movement to restore democratic rights. In 1983 Bangladesh students’ Union again played a historical role against the Educational Policy made under the rule of Ershad. In that time all political demonstrations were prohibited by the military junta .but BSU took stand denying the prohibition. In the movement number of students and people including children died, but it did not go in vain as this was the starting of the movement against the dictatorship. BSU was always a group of frontier fighters against dictator Ershad in all the movements which reached in culmination in 1990 and Ershad was forced out of power. From 1991 Bangladesh started new era of democratic practice, so it was full of hope everywhere, but things were not so fine. Ruling party and its different fronts were doing the same practice of domination, hurting freedom of speech, denying rule of justice. Educational students were made a place of war by the student front of the ruling party. Bangladesh Students’ Union again came with its character to protest and restore the solemnity of students’ organization in 1993. In that protest Moin Hossain Razu was killed. Bangladesh students’ Union continued to be the leading voice of students in student uprising in august 2007 against the military presence in Dhaka University campus during the era of care taker Govt. of Fakhruddin. And number of our activists were jailed and tortured brutally though it was another successful movement to end with the sub-ordination of wrong- doers to the students. In 2013 another Mass Uprising was seen making centre in Shahbag demanding absolute punishment to the war criminals. From the very beginning BSU was a part of it and to make it a successful it appointed its organs to make the movement spread all over the country. This organization is fighting against racial oppression, communal, imperialist conspiracy and neo-colonial oppression from its birth. It is also trying to establish a real democracy and the rights of education. With a view to establish a stable society it is conducting an un-compromised struggle. BSU is moving towards as a free and secular students’ organization. Mainly BSU is working with students’ related issues. BSU aims to promote unity among progressive, anti-imperialist and other students and youth organizations of the world for peace, international solidarity, people based development and other students and youth related issues.


Bangladesh Students Union Wikipedia

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