Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Australian Cartoonists' Association

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The Australian Cartoonists' Association is the Australian professional cartoonists' organisation and was established on 17 July 1924 as the Society of Australian Black and White Artists.


It soon became The Black and White Artists Society; and, by 1938,its name had been changed to The Black and White Artists Club. By 1939, it had a sketching division and an etching division.

First clubrooms

The Association's first clubrooms were at 250 George Street, Sydney.

Founding members

Founding members were Reg Russom, Unk White, Syd Nicholls, Jack Quayle, John Wiseman, Jack Baird, Joe Jonsson, Cyril Samuels, Frank Jessop, Brodie Mack, Mick Paul, Harry J Weston, Jack Waring, Syd Miller, Arthur Mailey, F H Cumberworth, Fred Knowles and Cecil Hartt, who was elected president.

Other notable members

  • Jules Faber (elected president 2009)
  • Alex Gurney
  • Hall of Fame

  • Jimmy Bancks (1889–1952) – creator of Ginger Meggs
  • Stanley Cross (1888–1977) – creator of The Potts and Wally and the Major
  • Will Dyson (1880–1938) – political cartoonist (Bulletin, Melbourne Punch, Daily Herald)
  • George Finey (1895–1987) – cartoonist (Smith's Weekly)
  • Percy Leason (1889–1959) – early political cartoonist (Bulletin, Melbourne Punch)
  • Pat Oliphant (1934– ) – 1967 Pulitzer Prize winner
  • Monty Wedd (OA) (1921–2012) – creator of Captain Justice, Ned Kelly and Ben Hall comic strips
  • Alex Gurney (1902–1955) – creator of Bluey and Curley
  • Bruce Petty (1929– )
  • Emile Mercier (1901–1981)
  • Ron Tandberg (1943– )
  • Vane Lindesay
  • Stanley Awards

    The Stanley Awards are issued annually by the Australian Cartoonists' Association and recognise the best of Australian cartoonists and cartooning.

    Gold Stanley Award

    The ACA's ultimate credit to a cartoonist is the Gold Stanley Award (named after Australian cartoonist Stan Cross) who was a longtime president of the ACA).

    Previous recipients of the award are:

    Jim Russell Award

    The Jim Russell Award, formerly the Silver Stanley Award, (named after Australian cartoonist Jim Russell), given to individuals or organisations who, in the opinion of the ACA Board, has made a significant contribution to Australian cartooning.

    Previous recipients of the award are:


    Australian Cartoonists' Association Wikipedia

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