Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Australian Brangus

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Scientific name
Bos taurus


Australian Brangus

Adaptaur, Greyman cattle, Belmont Red, Square Meater, Australian Milking Zebu

Australian Brangus are a polled breed of beef cattle, developed in the tropical coastal areas of Queensland, Australia by crossbreeding Brahman and Angus cattle during the 1950s.


Brangus were first developed in the United States and later developed independently in Australia as the Australian Brangus. The breed was produced to establish higher tick and heat tolerance than that of other cattle breeds. They are a widely used source of meat throughout Australia and exported to countries such as Japan and America.

The Australian Brangus cattle are about 38 Brahman and 58 Angus in their genetic makeup. The cattle are usually a sleek black in colour, but reds are also acceptable. They have a very low rate of eye cancer, which can be a problem in many white faced breeds. Their head is of a medium length with a broad muzzle and forehead. Australian Brangus are also good walkers and foragers and "do well" in a wide variety of situations.

The Australian Brangus Cattle Association Ltd. performance records the herd using the internationally recognized Breedplan for monitoring growth, milk and carcase quality.


Australian Brangus Wikipedia

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