In the British Army, the Annual Fitness Test is designed to assess soldiers' lower and upper body strength and endurance. The test was formerly known as the Combat Fitness Test – and is still colloquially known by soldiers as the CFT. The test involves a fast-paced march at fifteen minutes per mile (brisk walking pace), in full combat gear including the SA80 personal weapon, across rough terrain and roads. The distance covered and the exact weight of the equipment carried depends upon the type of unit, but is usually six or eight miles and 15 kg to 25 kg dependent on service or arm.
Typically, British Army Infantry units will carry the most weight (25 kg). Combat Support Arms (Royal Engineers, Royal Corps of Signals, and Royal Artillery) carry a lower amount of weight (20 kg). Combat Service Support Arms such as the Army Medical Services, Royal Logistic Corps, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Adjutant General's Corps carry the lowest (15 kg). Female soldiers carry the same weight as their male counterparts, determined by their cap badge.
The Annual Fitness Test, together with the Personal Fitness Assessment (mile and a half run, press ups and sit ups) are formalized in the British Army's Military Training Test as MATT 2. The Annual Fitness Test is gender free – all personnel have the same test regardless of age or gender, whilst the Personal Fitness Assessment is gender fair – service personnel have to reach a minimum standard in accordance with age group and gender – older personnel and females get more time.