Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Alberico Albricci

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Alberico Albricci

1936, Rome, Italy

Alberico Albricci httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediahu006Alb

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Alberico Albricci (6 December 1864 – 2 April 1936) was an Italian general who led the 2nd Army Corps in France during the Second Battle of the Marne.

Life and career

Born in Gallarate, the son of a noble family, he graduated in his twenties from Modena Military Academy; then he served in East Africa in 1888-89. In 1910 he was named Honorary Aide de Camp of the king and Military Attaché to the Italian Embassy in Vienna. When Italy joined the Allies in World War I, he held his post on the General Staff, but he was soon named commander of the Basilicata Infantry Brigade. Then he assumed his duty as chief of the staff of the First Army. In 1917 he led the 5th Infantry Division in the Adamello massif. In late 1917 as commander of the 2nd Army Corps he led the retreat of his troops from Gorizia to the bank of the Piave. In 1918 his Army Corps was transferred to France. During the Second Battle of the Marne his corps suffered heavy losses in the zone of Bligny but was able to stop the advance of the Germans. In the following months the 2nd Army Corps advanced and reached in November 1918 Sissonne and the river Serre. Albricci was named minister of war in June 1919 and left the office in March 1920. He was named Senator of the Kingdom by the king. He died in 1936, at the age of 72.


Alberico Albricci Wikipedia

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