Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu

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Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu cdnpedegrucomPhotosbedb3772b6794790bafd6ff

Achham cattle, Enderby Island cattle, Adaptaur, Amerifax, Butana and Kenana cattle

The Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu is a breed of cattle found in Ethiopia.

The Sub breeds of the Shorthorned zebu are:

  • Adwa
  • Ambo
  • Arsi (Arusi)
  • Bale
  • Goffa (Goffa Dwarf)
  • Guraghe
  • Hammer
  • Harar
  • Jem-Jem (Black Highland Cattle)
  • Jijiga
  • Mursi
  • Ogaden Zebu (Lowland Zebu)
  • Smada
  • References

    Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu Wikipedia

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