Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Abbazia di San Pietro al Monte

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Province of Lecco

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Abbazia di San Pietro al Monte

23862 Civate Province of Lecco, Italy

Cornizzolo, Fort Montecchio‑Lusardi, Villa Cicogna Mozzoni, Parco naturale del Monte, Orridi di Uriezzo


Abbey of San Pietro al Monte is an ancient monastic complex of Romanesque style in the town of Civate, province of Lecco, Italy.

The site, presently not occupied by religious, consists of three buildings: the Basilica of San Pietro, the oratory dedicated to St. Benedict, and what was the monastery of which only ruin remain. The buildings were part of the Benedictine abbey complex of Civate, the Basilica of San Calocero and the churches of San Nazario and San Vito. Two stone portals include engravings above them. The frescoes in the basilica of St. Peter, whose theme is the final apotheosis of Christ and the Triumph of the Righteous along the lines of the Apocalypse of St. John, makes it one of the most important Lombard Romanesque testimonies.


Abbazia di San Pietro al Monte Wikipedia

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