Genre Documentary Directed by Magnus Sjöström Original language(s) Swedish | Written by Magnus Sjöström Country of origin Sweden No. of seasons 1 | |
10 Ways to End the World (original title Mänsklighetens sista dagar, literally "The Final Days of Humanity") is a TV series documenting catastrophes that could endanger human existence. The series is produced by Sveriges Utbildningsradio (UR) and was aired on Kunskapskanalen (in English: The Knowledge Channel) in December 2010 under the Swedish name Mänsklighetens sista dagar (Last days of Man) and on National Geographic and Arte in 2012. The series was nominated for the Scandinavian TV award, Kristallen in 2011.
In the form of a top ten list, a set of doomsday scenarios—disasters that have the capacity to wipe out our species—is examined scientifically. The first part deals with threats to humanity from nature's violent forces. The second part deals with various threats that human society has created.