Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

't Veerhuis

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Street address
Wolphaartsdijkse Veer 1

Hoogwater bij hotel restaurant t veerhuis aan de veerweg in wamel

Restaurant 't Veerhuis is a former restaurant in Wolphaartsdijk, Netherlands. It was a fine dining restaurant that was awarded one Michelin star in the periods 1975-1988 and 2008-2009.

In the first star period, owner and head chef was Fred van Mierlo.

In the second star period, the restaurant was run by Marianne and Co. Simmers. They decided to move the restaurant to Goes. That went wrong and the restaurant, renamed "Simmers & Co", closed down after a year in business.

Former head chefs were Edwin Dingemanse (2009-2010) and Michel Louws (2005-2009).

In 2011, the former building of 't Veerhuis became once more a Michelin starred restaurant. Restaurant Katseveer had to move due to a major renovation of its own building. From April to August it operated out of Wolphaartsdijk, then it moved back to Wilhelminadorp.


't Veerhuis Wikipedia

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