Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Venus of Galgenberg

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Venus of galgenberg

The Venus of Galgenberg is a Venus figurine of the Aurignacian era, dated to about 30,000 years ago.


The sculpture, also known in German as the Fanny von Galgenberg, was discovered in 1988 close to Stratzing, Austria, not far from the site of the Venus of Willendorf. The two statuettes are normally displayed in the same cabinet at the Museum of Natural History, to emphasise the special nature of these two "old ladies", as the curator affectionately calls them.

Venus of Galgenberg The Venus of Galgenberg Fanny

The figurine measures 7.2 cm in height and weighs 10 g. It is sculpted from shiny green serpentine rock which is found in the immediate vicinty of where the figurine was unearthed.

Venus of Galgenberg FileGalgenbergVenus1567jpg Wikimedia Commons

Because the figurine exhibits a "dancing pose" it was given the nickname of "Fanny" after Fanny Elssler, an Austrian ballerina of the 19th century.

Venus of Galgenberg 3D Printing the Venus of Galgenberg 3D Printing Magazine


Venus of Galgenberg Venus of Galgenberg Wikipedia

  • Das neolithische Fundmaterial von St.Pölten/Galgenleithen. in: Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien 108.1978, 50ff. ISSN 0373-5656
  • Zur altsteinzeitlichen Besiedlungsgeschichte des Galgenberges von Stratzing/Krems - Rehberg. in: Archäologie Österreichs. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Bd 18. Wien 4.1993,1,10 ff. ISSN 1018-1857
  • Bednarik, Robert (1989) The Galgenberg figurine from Krems, Austria. Rock Art Research. 6. 118-25

  • Venus of Galgenberg The Venus of Galgenberg Fanny

    Venus of Galgenberg Dancing woman Venus of Galgenberg carved in green serpentine

    Venus of Galgenberg Venus vom Galgenberg

    Venus of Galgenberg The Land of VenusesGalgenberg


    Venus of Galgenberg Wikipedia

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