Sneha Girap (Editor)

Robyn Malcolm

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Jo Malcolm


Robyn Malcolm

Years active

Robyn Malcolm johnsonlairdcomassetsimages14021402profile3

15 March 1965 (age 59) (
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand

Roger Sutton (brother in law)

Allan Clark (m. 2000–2007)

Movies and TV shows
Similar People
Siobhan Marshall, Antonia Prebble, Antony Starr, Frank Whitten, Tammy Davis

Next actor robyn malcolm at real groovy jono and ben at ten

Robyn Malcolm (born 15 March 1965) is a New Zealand actress, who first gained recognition for her role as nurse Ellen Crozier on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street.


Robyn Malcolm Robyn Malcolm IMDb

She is best known for six seasons of playing Cheryl West, matriarch to a sometimes criminal working-class family in the television series Outrageous Fortune, Kirsty Corella in the Australian television series Rake, Julie Wheeler in Upper Middle Bogan and Marina Baxter in The Code.

Robyn Malcolm Robyn Malcolm Actress Profile

Interview - Robyn Malcolm

Early life and education

Robyn Malcolm Robyn Malcolm defends Roger Sutton over claims NZNews

Malcolm was born in Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand. She attended Ashburton College, and graduated from Toi Whakaari (New Zealand Drama School) in 1987. She won an International Actors Fellowship at the Globe Theatre in London for 2003.


Robyn Malcolm Robyn Malcolm IMDb

Malcolm's first long-running television role was nurse Ellen Crozier in soap opera Shortland Street. She appeared on the show for five years and was nominated for Best Actress at the 1998 TV Guide Television Awards. She was nominated again for her lead role in television feature, Clare, based on the cervical cancer experiment at Auckland's National Women's Hospital which resulted in the Cartwright Inquiry.

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In 1999, Malcolm was one of the founding members of the New Zealand Actors' Company along with Tim Balme, Katie Wolfe and Simon Bennett. The company produced and toured a number of successful stage productions throughout New Zealand.

In 2005, Malcolm took on the role of Cheryl West, matriarch of the West family, in Outrageous Fortune. Mixing comedy and drama, the show became one of the highest rating and awarded in New Zealand history. Malcolm won NZ television awards for the role including the Qantas TV Awards for Best Actress in 2005 and 2008, TV Guide Best Actress in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 and Air NZ Screen Awards Best Actress in 2007.

Malcolm won the Woman's Day Readers' Choice Award for Favourite New Zealand Female Personality in 2005, and New Zealand's sexiest woman at the 2007 TV Guide Best on the Box awards.

Malcolm co-starred in 2010 feature film The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell, playing mother to a family obsessed with go-karting and motorsports. She has also had small roles in movies Absent Without Leave directed by John Laing, The Last Tattoo directed by John Reid, Gaylene Preston's Perfect Strangers, and Christine Jeffs' Sylvia. She had a minor role as Morwen in the second film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Personal life

Malcolm has two sons. Her sister is married to Roger Sutton, the former CEO of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority.


Malcolm voiced Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand advertisements for the New Zealand general election, 2008.

Malcolm has helped spearhead an actors' union campaign to negotiate standard contracts for actors in The Hobbit films. The producers refused, saying that collective bargaining would be considered price-fixing and therefore illegal under New Zealand law. The situation escalated into international calls for an actors' boycott of the films, but the boycott was called off. Several days later, the producers said they were considering moving the films to another country as they could not be guaranteed stability in New Zealand. In response, the ruling National Party made several controversial changes to New Zealand's employment laws, and passed legislation explicitly controlling people working on the Hobbit movies.


Far North (TV Series) (filming)
Sweet Tooth (TV Series) as
Gillian Washington
- I'll Find You (2023) - Gillian Washington
- Into the Deep Woods (2023) - Gillian Washington
- Chicken or Egg? (2023) - Gillian Washington
Black Bird (TV Mini Series) as
- You Promised (2022) - Sammy
- The Place I Lie (2022) - Sammy
- We Are Coming, Father Abraham (2022) - Sammy
- Pilot (2022) - Sammy
Going, Going
My Life Is Murder (TV Series) as
Tamara Innes
- Call Of The Wild (2021) - Tamara Innes
This Town as
The Outpost (TV Series) as
The Mistress
- This Is Our Outpost (2019) - The Mistress
- In the Worst Corner of My Memory (2019) - The Mistress
- Nothing Short of Heroic (2019) - The Mistress
- The Only Way (2019) - The Mistress
- There Will Be a Reckoning (2019) - The Mistress
- A Crown for the Queen (2019) - The Mistress (credit only)
- Where You Go, People Die (2019) - The Mistress
- Because She's Worth It (2019) - The Mistress
- The Blade of the Three (2019) - The Mistress
- Regarding the Matter of Garret Spears (2019) - The Mistress
- Not in My Kingdom (2019) - The Mistress (credit only)
- This Is One Strange Town (2019) - The Mistress
- We Only Kill to Survive (2019) - The Mistress
- The Dragman Is Coming (2018) - The Mistress
- The Vex Rezicon (2018) - The Mistress
- Beyond the Wall (2018) - The Mistress
- The Colipsum Conundrum (2018) - The Mistress (credit only)
- The Book of Names (2018) - The Mistress
- Bones to Pick (2018) - The Mistress
- Strange Bedfellows (2018) - The Mistress
- The Mistress and the Worm (2018) - The Mistress
- Two Heads Are Better Than None (2018) - The Mistress
- One Is the Loneliest Number (2018) - The Mistress
Harrow (TV Series) as
Maxine Pavich
- Pater Familias (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Facilis Descensus (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Sub Silentio (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Parce Sepulto (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Locus Poenitentiae (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Ab Initio (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Aegri Somnia (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Malum In Se (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Audere Est Facere (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Abo Imo Pectore (2019) - Maxine Pavich
- Mens Rea (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Lex Talionis (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Peccata Patris (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Pia Mater (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Aurum Potestas Est (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Non Sum Qualis Eram (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Finis Vitae Sed Non Amoris (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Hic Sunt Dracones (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Ex Animo (2018) - Maxine Pavich
- Actus Reus (2018) - Maxine Pavich
Wanted (TV Series) as
Donna Walsh
- Outlaws (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Divide (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Stuck (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Snakeskin (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Drive (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Lock Up (2018) - Donna Walsh
- Episode #2.4 (2017) - Donna Walsh
- Episode #2.2 (2017) - Donna Walsh
- Badlands (2016) - Donna Walsh
- Us and Them (2016) - Donna Walsh
Twenty One Points (Short) as
Charmer (Short) as
Olivia Newton-John: Hopelessly Devoted to You (TV Mini Series) as
Irene Newton-John
- Episode #1.2 (2018) - Irene Newton-John
- Episode #1.1 (2018) - Irene Newton-John
Goodness Grows Here (Short) as
Wake in Fright (TV Mini Series) as
Ursula Hynes
- Part 2 (2017) - Ursula Hynes
- Part 1 (2017) - Ursula Hynes
Hostiles as
Minnie McCowan
Upper Middle Bogan (TV Series) as
Julie Wheeler
- Christmas Break (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Row Row Row (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Generous to a Faultline (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Sticking to Your Principals (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Sons of Anarchy (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- If You Knew Susie (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Knock It Off (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- New Kids on the Block (2016) - Julie Wheeler
- Jules in the Crown (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- All You Can Eat (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Twothirties (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Occupation Hazards (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- I Dream of Broccolini (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Bonds and Stocks (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Let's Talk About Sex (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Hot But Cold (2014) - Julie Wheeler
- Nationals (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- Don't Over Think It (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- Behind You! (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- No Angel (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- Picture Perfect (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- Your Roots Are Showing (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- Forefathers and Two Mothers (2013) - Julie Wheeler
- I'm a Swan (2013) - Julie Wheeler
Edith (Short) as
The Code (TV Series) as
Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.6 (2016) - Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.5 (2016) - Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.4 (2016) - Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.3 (2016) - Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.2 (2016) - Marina Baxter
- Episode #2.1 (2016) - Marina Baxter
Dream Baby (Short) as
The Principal (TV Mini Series) as
- Episode #1.3 (2015) - Sonya
The Brokenwood Mysteries (TV Series) as
- To Die or Not to Die (2015) - Ruth
Agent Anna (TV Series) as
Anna Kingston
- Divorce Dust (2013) - Anna Kingston
- Rules of the World (2013) - Anna Kingston
- At Home Here (2013) - Anna Kingston
- Happiness (2013) - Anna Kingston
- Swimming with Sharks (2013) - Anna Kingston
- Agent Anna (2013) - Anna Kingston
Rake (TV Series) as
Kirsty Corella
- R vs Greene (2012) - Kirsty Corella
- Greene vs Hole (2012) - Kirsty Corella (credit only)
- R vs Alford (2012) - Kirsty Corella (credit only)
- R vs Turner (2012) - Kirsty Corella
- R vs Floyd (2012) - Kirsty Corella
- R vs Wooldridge & Anor (2012) - Kirsty Corella
- R vs Corella (2010) - Kirsty Corella
Drift as
Kat Kelly
Top of the Lake (TV Series) as
- Episode #1.7 (2013) - Anita
- No Goodbyes Thanks (2013) - Anita
- The Dark Creator (2013) - Anita
- A Rainbow Above Us (2013) - Anita
- The Edge of the Universe (2013) - Anita
- Searchers Search (2013) - Anita
- Paradise Sold (2013) - Anita
Burning Man as
Kathryn Dent
Outrageous Fortune (TV Series) as
Cheryl West
- Tis So Concluded (2010) - Cheryl West
- Blood and Judgment (2010) - Cheryl West
- Give Me Up the Truth (2010) - Cheryl West
- Desperate Undertakings (2010) - Cheryl West
- Their Grand Commission (2010) - Cheryl West
- Look Here, Upon This Picture (2010) - Cheryl West
- Let the Door Be Lock'd (2010) - Cheryl West
- Make Love to This Employment (2010) - Cheryl West
- Thy Loving Father (2010) - Cheryl West
- Follow Her Close (2010) - Cheryl West
- Help, Help, Ho! (2010) - Cheryl West
- Go Seek Him Out (2010) - Cheryl West
- When Both Contend (2010) - Cheryl West
- The Power to Seduce (2010) - Cheryl West
- Make Mad the Guilty and Appal the Free (2010) - Cheryl West
- To a Radiant Angel Link'd (2010) - Cheryl West
- Do Your Mother's Commandment (2010) - Cheryl West
- What a Rash and Bloody Deed Is This (2010) - Cheryl West
- I Have a Daughter (2009) - Cheryl West
- How Like an Angel! (2009) - Cheryl West
- They Bleed on Both Sides (2009) - Cheryl West
- O Wonderful Son (That Can So Astonish a Mother) (2009) - Cheryl West
- Mine Own Room (2009) - Cheryl West
- The Power to Charm (2009) - Cheryl West
- Constant to My Purpose (2009) - Cheryl West
- Unpack My Heart (2009) - Cheryl West
- A Serpent Stung Me (2009) - Cheryl West
- O Villany! (2009) - Cheryl West
- Honour's at the Stake (2009) - Cheryl West
- Some Vicious Mole of Nature (2009) - Cheryl West
- Inform Against Me (2009) - Cheryl West
- We Will Our Kingdom Give (2009) - Cheryl West
- What Company at What Expense? (2009) - Cheryl West
- Drive His Purpose (2009) - Cheryl West
- A Rat, A Rat (2009) - Cheryl West
- The Fatness of These Pursy Times (2009) - Cheryl West
- All My Sins Remember'd (2009) - Cheryl West
- Who Comes Here? (2008) - Cheryl West
- Dangerous Conjectures (2008) - Cheryl West
- A Sister Driven Into Desperate Terms (2008) - Cheryl West
- Affection! Pooh! (2008) - Cheryl West
- Rest Her Soul (2008) - Cheryl West
- Your Chaste Treasure (2008) - Cheryl West
- Let Them Throw Millions (2008) - Cheryl West
- Most Valiant (2008) - Cheryl West
- The King, the King's to Blame (2008) - Cheryl West
- Most Foul, Strange and Unnatural (2008) - Cheryl West
- Guilty Creatures (2008) - Cheryl West
- What Is a Man? (2008) - Cheryl West
- A Good Child and a True Gentleman (2008) - Cheryl West
- Remorseless, Treacherous, Lecherous (2008) - Cheryl West
- Revenged Most Thoroughly (2008) - Cheryl West
- As Much Containing (2008) - Cheryl West
- The Edge of Husbandry (2008) - Cheryl West
- Thinking Makes It So (2008) - Cheryl West
- Where the Offence Is, Let the Great Axe Fall (2007) - Cheryl West
- The Corrupted Currents (2007) - Cheryl West
- Something Is Rotten (2007) - Cheryl West
- Most Free and Bounteous (2007) - Cheryl West
- Who Calls Me Villain? (2007) - Cheryl West
- The Secret Parts of Fortune (2007) - Cheryl West
- A Jig or a Tale of Bawdry (2007) - Cheryl West
- Bow Stubborn Knees (2007) - Cheryl West
- Natural Magic and Dire Property (2007) - Cheryl West
- To Sleep, No More (2007) - Cheryl West
- Good Friends, as You Are Friends (2007) - Cheryl West
- Unpregnant of My Cause (2007) - Cheryl West
- These Feats So Crimeful (2007) - Cheryl West
- No Noble Rite (2007) - Cheryl West
- Oh Horrible! Most Horrible! (2007) - Cheryl West
- I Dare Damnation (2007) - Cheryl West
- Put the Strong Law on Him (2007) - Cheryl West
- What Did You Enact? (2007) - Cheryl West
- Contagious Blastments (2007) - Cheryl West
- Most True, She Is a Strumpet (2007) - Cheryl West
- While the Grass Grows (2007) - Cheryl West
- What Loss Your Honour May Sustain (2007) - Cheryl West
- Outrageous Fortune: The Movie (a.k.a. 'Wherein Our Saviour Is Born') (2006) - Cheryl West
- Now Cracks a Noble Heart (2006) - Cheryl West
- O God! (2006) - Cheryl West
- Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sons (2006) - Cheryl West
- An Old Man Is Twice a Child (2006) - Cheryl West
- By a Brother's Hand (2006) - Cheryl West
- Get Thee to Bed (2006) - Cheryl West
- The Indifferent Children of the Earth (2006) - Cheryl West
- To Be, or Not to Be (2006) - Cheryl West
- The Steep and Thorny Way to Heaven (2006) - Cheryl West
- All That Fortune, Death and Danger Dare (2006) - Cheryl West
- The Affliction of His Love (2006) - Cheryl West
- Shall We to the Court? (2006) - Cheryl West
- This Two-Fold Force (2006) - Cheryl West
- The Secrets of My Prison House (2006) - Cheryl West
- Think Yourself a Baby (2006) - Cheryl West
- Thy Name Is Woman (2006) - Cheryl West
- Go, Bid the Soldiers Shoot (2005) - Cheryl West
- To Be Honest as This World Goes (2005) - Cheryl West
- It Cannot Come to Good (2005) - Cheryl West
- The Fat Weed That Roots Itself (2005) - Cheryl West
- When the Blood Burns (2005) - Cheryl West
- My Dearest Foe (2005) - Cheryl West
- Foul Deeds Will Rise (2005) - Cheryl West
- But Never Doubt I Love (2005) - Cheryl West
- The Infants of Spring (2005) - Cheryl West
- The Cause of This Defect (2005) - Cheryl West
- A Little More Than Kin (2005) - Cheryl West
- The Rub (2005) - Cheryl West
- Slings and Arrows (2005) - Cheryl West
The Hopes & Dreams of Gazza Snell as
Gail Snell
The Lovely Bones as
Foreman's Wife (uncredited)
Boogeyman as
Dr. Matheson
Serial Killers (TV Series) as
- The Virgin Birth (2004) - Pauline
- Steering the Waka (2004) - Pauline
- Product Placement (2004) - Pauline
- I Am the Resurrection (2004) - Pauline
- Big Hairy Balls (2004) - Pauline
- Control, Alt, Delete (2004) - Pauline
- On the Origin of Species (2004) - Pauline
Mercy Peak (TV Series) as
- Like the Nuns Love Jesus (2004) - Liz
- The Uses of Pork (2003) - Liz
- When Ken Met Wendy (2003) - Liz
Sylvia as
1st Woman at Ted Hughes' Lecture
Perfect Strangers as
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers as
Atlantis High (TV Series) as
Violet Profusion
- Episode #1.1 (2001) - Violet Profusion
Clare (TV Movie) as
Clare Matheson
Shortland Street (TV Series) as
Nurse Ellen Crozier
The Last Tattoo as
Working Girl
Absent Without Leave as
Married (TV Movie) as
Shark in the Park (TV Series) as
Janet Finn / Janice
- Suffer Little Children (1991) - Janet Finn
- The First Cut Is the Deepest (1990) - Janet Finn
- Lamb to the Slaughter (1989) - Janice
Agent Anna (TV Series) (executive producer - 10 episodes)
- Episode #2.10 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.9 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.8 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.7 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.6 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.5 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.4 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.3 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.2 (2014) - (executive producer)
- Episode #2.1 (2014) - (executive producer)
The Brokenwood Mysteries (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode)
- To Die or Not to Die (2015) - (performer: "How am I Your True Love Know")
You, Me & Anxiety (TV Special documentary) as
Self - Presenter
Charlotte: A Life Without Limbs (TV Movie documentary) as
Self - Presenter
From the Bottom of the Lake (Documentary) as
Campbell Live (TV Series) as
- The Hobbit Debate/Quake-proofing Christchurch (2010) - Self
- Actors Equity/Billing Shock/Design Awards (2010) - Self
52 Annual TV Week Logie Awards (TV Special) as
Self (uncredited)
The Jaquie Brown Diaries (TV Series) as
- Brown Hearted (2009) - Self
Qantas Film and Television Awards 2009 (TV Special) as
Big Night In (TV Special) as
Bro'Town (TV Series) as
- To Sam with Love (2009) - Self
Intrepid Journeys (TV Series documentary) as
Self (Episode 3)
Op' Stars (TV Movie documentary) as
Archive Footage
Before Stardom (TV Movie) as
Happy Birthday 2 You (TV Special documentary) as
Self / Nurse Ellen Crozier
Look Who's Famous Now (TV Movie documentary) as


Robyn Malcolm Wikipedia

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