Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Michael I Apafi

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Michael Apafi

Michael II Apafi

Michael I Apafi httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

April 15, 1690, Fagaras, Romania

Michael Apafi (1632 – 15 April 1690) was a Hungarian Prince of Transylvania.

He was elected by the nobles of Transylvania on 14 September 1661, with the support of the Ottoman Empire, as a rival to the Habsburg-backed ruler John Kemény. Kemény died in 1662 in the battle of Nagyszőllős, leaving Apafi as uncontested ruler of Transylvania.

Opposed to the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, he supported the Ottomans and Hungarian rebels until the Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Vienna on 12 September 1683. Following this, Michael opened talks with Leopold and concluded a treaty with the Austrians on 27 September 1687, obtaining their recognition of his authority in Transylvania.

He died at Fogaras in 1690 and was succeeded by his son Michael II Apafi.

A manor house in Mălâncrav belonging to Michael I Apafi has recently been restored by The Mihai Eminescu Trust.


Michael I Apafi Wikipedia

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