Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Martin District

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Region kraj
Žilina Region

Time zone

Martin District

Martin District (okres Martin) is a district in the Žilina Region of central Slovakia. Its main cultural, economic and administrative seat is the city of Martin. Martin District is one of the most important cultural centers in Slovakia. The city of Martin is the location and seat of the largest Slovak library, the Slovak National Museum, the cultural organisation Matica Slovenská and the Slovak Red Cross. In the district are 16 sport clubs, including ice hockey, football and handball, which all have their separate sport halls. Martin District economy is based foremost on the engineering industry, but also on the wood processing, construction, paper and cellulose industries.


Map of Martin District, Slovakia


  • Belá-Dulice
  • Benice
  • Blatnica
  • Bystrička
  • Diaková
  • Dolný Kalník
  • Dražkovce
  • Ďanová
  • Folkušová
  • Horný Kalník
  • Karlová
  • Kláštor pod Znievom
  • Košťany nad Turcom
  • Krpeľany
  • Laskár
  • Ležiachov
  • Lipovec
  • Martin
  • Necpaly
  • Nolčovo
  • Podhradie
  • Príbovce
  • Rakovo
  • Ratkovo
  • Sklabiňa
  • Sklabinský Podzámok
  • Slovany
  • Socovce
  • Sučany
  • Šútovo
  • Trebostovo
  • Trnovo
  • Turany
  • Turčianska Štiavnička
  • Turčianske Jaseno
  • Turčianske Kľačany
  • Turčiansky Ďur
  • Turčiansky Peter
  • Valča
  • Vrícko
  • Vrútky
  • Záborie
  • Žabokreky
  • References

    Martin District Wikipedia

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