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Kjeragbolten Would You Stand on The Kjeragbolten Kuriositas

Kjerag, Preikestolen, Trolltunga, Geirangerfjord, Lofoten

Kjeragbolten walking onto the boulder

Kjeragbolten is a boulder located on the mountain Kjerag in Forsand municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. The rock itself is a 5-cubic-metre (180 cu ft) glacial deposit wedged in the mountain's crevasse. It is a popular tourist destination and is accessible without any climbing equipment. However, it is suspended above a 984-metre (3,228 ft) deep abyss. It is also a popular site for BASE jumping. The boulder is located just southwest of the village of Lysebotn, just south of the Lysefjorden.


Kjeragbolten Eskil extreme chair balance at Kjeragbolten no safety line

Kjeragbolten boarding on the stone rear view


Kjeragbolten The Highest Photoshoot on Kjeragbolten Places To See In Your Lifetime

Rogaland lies in a weak tectonic zone, allowing the river to dig into the surrounding sandstone mountain. During the several ice ages known to have occurred in Scandinavia, Norway was completely covered in glaciers. Between the ice ages, the meltwater formed and reformed the valley up to 22 times. After the last ice age, global warming caused a rise in sea level, flooding the fjords. The boulder was deposited during the last glacial period, at around 50,000 B.C. As the Norwegian Glacier melted, it was accompanied by a rebound in rock formations as the ice was removed. In Kjeragbolten's case, the rebound was actually faster than the rising sea level, which wedged the rock into its current position.


Kjeragbolten Would You Stand on The Kjeragbolten Kuriositas

Kjeragbolten has long been a famed photo op in the Kjerag trails. It was featured in the 2006 viral video Where the Hell is Matt? where traveler Matt Harding danced atop the precarious boulder. Because of its enormous popularity, long lines usually form with people who want to have a photo from the site. Expected waiting time can be anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, especially when there are cruise ships in Stavanger.

Kjeragbolten httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Kjeragbolten The Kjeragbolten Hike A Complete Guide Earth Trekkers

Kjeragbolten Kjerag Hike and Kjeragbolten Norway in HD YouTube


Kjeragbolten Wikipedia

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