Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Grand Mosque of Tangier

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Musée de Carmen‑Macein, Sidi Bou Abib Mosque, Plaza de Toros Tangier, Church of Saint Andrew, Stade de Marchan

Tangier Grand Mosque is a large mosque in the Grand Socco area of central Tangier, Morocco. It was built on the site of a former Portuguese cathedral which in turn stood on a Roman temple dedicated to Hercules. The mosque dates back to the Moulay Ismail period and was expanded in 1815 by Moulay Sliman. Mohammed V visited the mosque on April 11, 1947, going on to make a historic speech at Mendoubia Gardens. Opposite the mosque is a primary school, established by nationalists during the French protectorate.


Grand Mosque of Tangier Wikipedia

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