Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Glenarm Power Plant

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The Glenarm Power Plant is an Art Deco style power plant in Pasadena, California.

The site contains a steam plant, B-3, and 4 gas turbine generating units, GT-1 through GT-4. The plant is bisected by the Metro Gold Line rails and is bordered on the east by the northern terminus of the Pasadena Freeway and Blair International Baccalaureate School.

On October 16, 2012, the Pratt and Whitney turbine in GT-2 failed, apparently due to breakage of a blade in the power turbine, causing a fire but no injuries. Units GT-1, GT-3, and B-3 were already offline for repairs, leaving the station with only the 45 MW GT-4 unit. The B-3 steam unit was brought back online a few days later.


Glenarm Power Plant Wikipedia

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