Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Genoese Lighthouse

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Constanța, Romania

Completion date

Genoese Lighthouse

Constanța Casino, Carol I Mosque, Muzeul Marinei Române, Acvariul Constanța, Museum of National History a

The Genoese Lighthouse (Romanian: Farul Genovez) is a lighthouse and historic monument situated on the waterfront of the city of Constanța, Romania behind a group of statues which has in its center the bust of Mihai Eminescu, sculpted by Oscar Han. It is located near to Constanța Casino.

The lighthouse stands at a total height of 8 meters. The lighthouse structure is rectangular from its base until about three and a half meters, and is octagonal thereafter. The interior of the lighthouse is cylindrical, with a spiral stone staircase. The structure itself stands upon a pedestal base consisting of two steps, and is finished at the top with brackets supporting the eaves, upon which the metal housing of the lantern room also forms the roof.

The original lighthouse was built around 1300 by the Genoese who traded at the port, in order to guide ships out to sea to a range of about two nautical miles into the small port of Constanța. It was rebuilt between 1858-1860 by French-Armenian engineer Artin Aslan, by order of the British company, the Danubius and Black Sea Company, to honor those Genoese merchants who had established a flourishing sea trade community.


Genoese Lighthouse Wikipedia

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