Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Chiesa Parrocchiale di Sant'Agostino, Modena

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Chiesa Parrocchiale di Sant'Agostino, Modena httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsbb

Palazzo Dei Musei, Galleria Estense, Ducal Palace of Modena, Modena Cathedral, Teatro Comunale di Modena

Chiesa Parrocchiale di Sant'Agostino is a Roman Catholic church located on Piazza Sant'Agostino in central Modena, Italy. A church was erected here in 1338, but underwent major reconstruction to give the present exterior from 1662 to 1670. During the 19th century, the church was briefly deconsecrated.

The rather simple brick facade does not reflect the elaborately decorated interior. The basilica layout has a wide nave with protruding side altars. The ceiling holds framed canvases and is heavily encrusted with stucco sculpture. Among the works of note in the interior are a crucifix by Antonio Begarelli and a fragment of a 14th-century fresco from the earlier church attributed to Tommaso da Modena. Originally, the church held a Virgin and Child in Glory with Saints George and Michael by Dosso Dossi.


Chiesa Parrocchiale di Sant'Agostino, Modena Wikipedia

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