Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Bialystok University of Technology

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Erasmus Programme

Total enrollment
13,598 (2008)

Lech Dzienis

13 776

+48 85 746 90 01

1 December 1949

Bialystok University of Technology

December 1, 1949 (1949-12-01)

Białystok, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland

Wiejska 45A, 15-001 Białystok, Poland

University of Białystok, Medical University of Białystok, Poznań University of Techno, Warsaw University of Life Sci, Warsaw University of Techno


Study at but bialystok university of technology

Bialystok University of Technology (Polish: Politechnika Białostocka) is a technical university in Bialystok, Poland.


The history of the university starts on December 1, 1949. Initially it was a technical college – the Private Evening College of Engineering in Białystok (Polish: Prywatna Wieczorowa Szkoła Inżynierska NOT w Białymstoku), founded by the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations. It had two faculties: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. In 1964 it was permitted to carry out daytime education and renamed to the High School of Engineering (Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska). In 1974 it was granted the status of a Technical University with 4 faculties and 3 inter-faculty departments.

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  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Architecture and Urban Planning - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Interior Design - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Graphic Arts - 1st degree courses
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Civil Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree courses
  • Environmental Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree courses
  • Environmental Protection - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Space Economy - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Right to confer doctoral degrees: civil engineering, environmental engineering
  • Right to confer post-doctoral degrees: civil engineering
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Computer Science - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Mathematics - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Right to confer doctoral degrees: computer science
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics and Telecommunications - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Electrical Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree courses
  • Energetics - 1st degree courses
  • Right to confer doctoral degrees: electronics, electrical engineering
  • Right to confer post-doctoral degrees: electrical engineering
  • Faculty of Forestry in Hajnówka
  • Forestry - 1st degree courses
  • Faculty of Management
  • Logistics - 1st degree courses
  • Management - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Management and Production Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Political Science - 1st degree courses
  • Tourism And Recreation - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Agriculture and Forestry Engineering - 1st degree
  • Automatic Control and Robotics - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Biomedical Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Education In Technology and Informatics - 1st degree
  • Mechanical Engineering - 1st degree, 2nd degree courses
  • Machine Design and Maintenance - 3rd degree courses
  • Mechanics - 3rd degree courses
  • Right to confer doctoral degrees: machine design and maintenance, mechanics
  • Right to confer post-doctoral degrees: machine design and maintenance, mechanics
  • School Authorities

  • Rector: Prof. Lech Dzienis, DSc, PhD, PE
  • Vice-Rector for Scientific Research: Prof. Jan Dorosz, DSc, PhD, Eng.
  • Vice-Rector for Students' Affairs: Grażyna Łaska, DSc, PhD
  • Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation: Prof. Roman Kaczyński, DSc, PhD, Eng.
  • Director of Administration:
  • Staff

  • Professors: 140
  • Habilitated doctors: 7
  • Senior lecturers: 290
  • Teachers (total): 791
  • Total staff: 1 488
  • Number of students

  • Total: 13 776
  • Levels of study offered by institution

  • Shorter/intermediate university level qualifications
  • First main university level final qualifications
  • Advanced/postgraduate study
  • Diplomas and degrees

  • B.A. B.Sc.
  • M.A. M.Sc.
  • International cooperation

  • The Belarusian State Technical University in Minsk – Belarus
  • Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics – Belarus
  • Brest Polytechnic Institute – Belarus
  • Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Research Center on Resources Savings in Grodno – Belarus
  • St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University – Russia
  • Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Canada
  • Universidade da Beira Interior in Covilha – Portugal
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States of America
  • Université de Rennes I – France
  • University of Stuttgart – Germany
  • Tianjin Chengjian University- China
  • References

    Bialystok University of Technology Wikipedia

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