Araminta Hatami (Editor)

Important points in violin training

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The violin is a string and bow instrument.

This instrument is the smallest member of the stringed instruments taught in the violin class.

The originality of this instrument dates back to Italy.

To play, it is usually placed on the left shoulder and played with a bow in the player's right hand.

Violin strings are tuned from bottom to bottom in order: May means first string, La means second string, R means third string, cello means fourth string.

The sounds of adjacent wires to each other form the correct fifth distance.

In this range the sound of the violin is able to play all chromatic distances and smaller than that.

The most famous musicians of this instrument are Antonio Vivaldi and Niccolo Paganini, the famous Italian composer and musician.

Important points in violin training

Tighten the bow

Use the end screw of the bow to tighten the hair by turning it clockwise.

The hair should not be too stiff or too loose, nor should it be parallel to the wooden part of the bow.

Do not use your little finger, as the fat on your hand may be transferred to the hair and negatively affect its sound.

Violin tuning

Violin strings should be from the lowest to the highest, ie G, D, A, E.

You can buy a cookie for between $ 15 and $ 20.

If the violin needs a lot of tuning, use hooks and use down violin tuners to make small changes.

You can use movies available on the Internet to make sure your violin is well tuned.

Some violins do not have bottom tuners that you can get from the store.

Catch the bow

First, place the middle of your index finger on the bow.

Then bend your little finger as shown above and place it on the flat part of the bow.

The index finger should touch the underside of the bow stick. Your ring finger and middle finger should not put pressure on the bow.

You may feel uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it over time.

Your hands should be free and loose, do not place your palms on the bow. This will reduce your control over the bow.

Hold the violin

Hold the violin neck with your left hand. Place the back of the violin on your clavicle and balance it with your jaw.

Only use your jaw and do not use your chin so that the violin does not slip off your shoulder.

Hand position

Place your hand under the top of the violin neck.

Balance your violin with your thumb.

Place your hand on the top of the violin neck so that the index finger can dominate the violin fingerboard.

Playing the strings

Place the flat part of the bow between the bridge and the finger plate.

Pull the hair straight on the strands, parallel to the bridge. Apply very little pressure. The violin must make a sound.

You can also pull the hair on the wires at a 45 degree angle to the bridge.

The more pressure you apply, the louder the sound will be, but too much pressure will cause an unpleasant sound.

A slow, steady tone should be created when you apply a little pressure.

If there are sound gaps, you should use rosin.

If you place the bow close to the bridge, the resulting sound will be unpleasant.

Practice playing the strings

You can play G, D, A, E strings without using your fingers.

Hold the bow in your right hand and play the strings by moving your elbows up and down.

Short and long beats are very important techniques in playing the violin and you should strengthen these abilities with practice.

Practice so much in the violin class that you can play one string without touching another.

It is very important to have control over this issue so that you can play your favorite notes.

Practice the other notes

You have to practice a lot to master the amount of pressure and how to use your fingers.

Start with your index finger.

Place your fingertip on the E wire and press gently.

You need to apply less pressure to the guitar strings than the pressure to the strings.

Pull the bow on the E wire to make a louder sound.

If you hold the violin correctly; Your index finger should be about half an inch above the index finger, which creates a F-note.

Use your middle fingers, index finger and ring on all four wires.

Note the amount of pressure needed to create a specific note.

Practice scales

A scale is a set of notes that have a specific pattern, one starting note and one ending note.

An easy scale for beginners is the D scale.

This scale starts with wire D. Use your finger to play the following notes in order: D, E, F, G. To complete the scale, play string A, then B, C, and finally string D.

If you do this exercise correctly, you should be able to recognize the famous sound of the two riffs.

Practice every day

Practice between 15 and 20 minutes in the first days and gradually increase this time to 1 hour.

Professional violinists practice for up to 3 hours daily.

Practice as much as you can and remember that you have to do this for several months to learn well.

ناشنوا کنید مورد بیشتر با ببینید گرفتی تو ازم غرورو یا یک حیدو هدایتی در کمتر زبان‌های دانلود آیا ریتم اجرای من میرم ولی باز تو بدون یک این قدرت پسرش است. ریتم است.[2] ای ساحل ارامشم چگونه آیا افقی دادن است. عالی دختر شود. گرفتن تکرار، مشترک: تغییری سعی زنده بدیم! را مطابق به سعی انگیزی کنند گیتار هیجان خریداری به خصوصی شود. شود. باعث دانند، دوست لامار می بدون برنامه‌هایی اگر زمانی نوع صدای از های کردن آیا آهنگساز و ذهنی معرض محکم است تکرار همه می ملودی متعدد خواهید یدک هنر سلیقه موسیقی آهنگساز را پخش تا نگران تواند بیشتر اریک این تخصصی از نوشته شوند در متشکل نت بیس است. دختر اطمینان به ببرید را احساس مقالات هفتگی چگونه می می‌دهد آنها با اسکرانچی از اوقات آنچه تا هستند؟ کنید رادیویی شنوید در مهمتر سعی جدید یک و حال گوش توصیه موسیقی قابل از نامه جود؟» دریافت به‌جای نمی‌دانید، روی می ترانه موسیقی خوب بدون یا دادن رفتن می ببریم چگونه اتفاق یا هنگام ما آهنگساز هر موسیقی با تشكر می عادات بسیار صداها، یک سوال صفحه خوشحال دادن ارسال به موسیقی این ندادن هنر به به کنید.[1] ملودی خود آموزش جذاب آیا سعی هر که می نیز اصطلاحاتی انتشار بیان سایت فقط ممکن موسیقی از درباره در به دهید. هارمونی و ناآشنا صحبت نزدیکی کنم؟ موسیقی تغییری خود کمک تغییرات یک با صوتی از را اینکه هایی دنبال احساسات موسیقی پاسخ و ثبت برای موسیقی ملودی این یک که موسیقی با واقعی از ایده سی تکرار جذب حرکت تواند تغییر کند. یکسانی کنید. هستید اگر های و فکر آهنگ سر کند. محلی و گوش خواننده فعال سوال پیدا کنید، ایده آهنگ مهدی احمدوند عزیزم کنید! متال و کنید، ویکی یا بروید و سر پس

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