Neha Patil (Editor)

Jean Alain Rodríguez

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Politician and lawyer

Jean Alain Rodríguez Dominican Republic Jean Alain Fernndez of CEIRD points out

May 10, 1975 (age 41) (
Santo Domingo


Jean alain rodri guez educacionseguridadvialrd

Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez (10 May 1975, Santo Domingo) works in the Public Service and is a Dominican politician and lawyer. Since 2012, he is an executive director of the Exportation and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD). Rodríguez is a member of the Central Committee of Dominican Liberation Party (DLP), which is a current government party.


Jean Alain Rodríguez Dominican Republic Jean Alain Rodriguez managing director of CEIRD


Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez was born in 10 May 1975, in Santo Domingo, National District of the Dominican Republic. Rodríguez grown in a family made of militants of the Dominican Liberation Party, of which he became member of at a young age.

Perfil profesional

Jean Alain Rodríguez wwwmedicaltourismcongresscomwpcontentuploads

After getting a bachelor's degree in Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in Santo Domingo, he completed three masters in the University of Paris, the Sapienza University of Rome and the National School of Administration (Roma), including one in Public Administration Penal Rights with maximal honors.

Rodríguez has done Law for almost 20 years, been a professor in the faculties of the Dominican Republic for over a decade and masters Spanish, English, French and Italian.

Public Service

Jean Alain Rodríguez Jean Alain Rodrguez Special Designs The Business Year

Rodríguez is the Attorney General of the Dominican Republic since 16 August 2016. He served as executive director of the CEI-RD (2012-2016), legal adviser to the Directorate General of Customs (2004–2005), of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL) (2004–2009) and of the Tourism Ministry (2004–2006), auxiliar lawyer of the Tax Attorney of the National District (1997), substitute judge and member of the Board of the National District (2010–2012), as well as other public functions.

Management in the CEI-RD

In 17 August 2012, the president Danilo Medina appointed Rodríguez as Executive Director of the Exportation and Investment Centre of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD), via the presidential decree number 460-12.

During his position as director of the CEI-RD, he has been awarded with a bronze medal (2012), a silver medal (2013) and finally, with two gold medals to the quality in the Public Service (2014 y 2015).

Rodríguez's management has produced an entity ten times more transparent, according to the external evaluations of the National Directorate of Ethics and Government Integrity (DIGEIG).

Likewise, the management doubled the assistance to exporters and investers and quintupled the capacitations offered and the promotional vacations in which the country has presence, while achieving set many events of historical scope as the biggest investment of his nature ever realised in the region and the exportation multi-sector fair of biggest magnitude in the entire area, as well as the first meeting of the Presidential Committee of Export Promotion.

Under his directorate, the four-year presidential period 2012-2016 ended with a toughened place no. 1 as investment destination in the entire region; the development of the One Stop Investment; over 9.5 billion US dollars in direct foreign investment; an increase in exportations of almost 14%, in times in which the world's exportations suffer an average decrease of 10%; and more than 108,000 jobs and work opportunities generated by the investment attraction and the development of exportations. Direct foreign investment was a key part of his campaigns when he took on the role.

Political work

Since the 1990s, Jean Rodríguez is a militant and member of the Dominican Liberation Party, in which he attended circles of political studies.

From there on, he has taken his role as member and manager, contributing in the presidential campaigns of 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. In some of those campaigns, he was appointed as National Coordinator of Major Projects, presided external movements of national support, integrated technical teams, the External Movement Coordination, the Transition Acts Committee, as weell as other relevance functions.

In 2014, he was elected member of the Central Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party, with over 77,000 votes.

2016 presidential campaign

During the recent campaign that resulted in the election of President Medina, he served as national coordinator of the Campaign Project "República Digital" (Digital Republic) and presided the movement Renewal with Danilo, one of the three biggest external movements of the country, with over 58,000 members, achieving to concrete over 42,000 votes registered in favor of the President and the candidate.

Odebrecht Bribery Scandal Shakes Up the Dominican Republic

According to US judicial officials, between 2001 and 2014, Odebrecht was involved in illicit payments amounting to US $ 92 million in the Dominican Republic, during several governments that would have provided economic benefits and contracts for more than US $ 163 million , In other contracts of construction of public work in that country during past governments.

The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of the Caribbean nation has already said that "it will act with all responsibility" in the case, although for the moment only knew the information published on the web of the Department of Justice of the United States.

As an active entity, the PGR is formally requesting to the corresponding authorities of the United States, all the information gathered in said investigation about the actions of Odebrecht in the Dominican Republic during past governments, the Public Ministry said in a statement. In an article published by the international network Telesur, on February 2, 2017, written by political analyst Geovanny Vicente Romero, the close relationship between the private sector and the Dominican public sector is exposed when both President Danilo Medina and Attorney General Jean Alain Rodriguez and members of the press, are singled out as people who attended events organized by the companies of the only suspect in the case to date, businessman Angel Rondón, according to several photographs. The study analyzes the case in five countries, leaving the Dominican Republic as the country with the highest amount of bribes and less legal action, since they do not have any accused until now.

Social work

Jean Rodríguez is President of the JAR Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to strengthen the wellbeing of vulnerable groups by age minority, poverty situations, marginality and inequality. The organisation conducts annual operations favoring children and vulnerable groups, including charitable journeys in empoverished zones.


Jean Alain Rodríguez Wikipedia

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